Nonviolent Communication builds capacity to connect with ourselves and others to create a world that works for everyone.



Stage Vivre Ensemble

24-27 Avril, Sainte-Croix, CH

Des vacances où la vie se déploie.
Les inégalités qui traversent la société sont des enjeux politiques et sociaux. La famille et les collectifs sont également des lieux où ces disparités peuvent se manifester. Durant le stage, nous allons profiter de toutes les opportunités que le quotidien nous offrira pour explorer ces dynamiques, y mettre de la conscience et les transformer en nous amusant et prenant soin les un-es des autres.
Ce stage est ouvert à toute personne concernée par les relations familiales et le vivre ensemble.
Ce stage est proposé par CNVFamille. Senovio Shish, membre de l’équipe d’animation du stage, candidat à la certification et membre de NVC Geneva.
Pour plus d’informations et pour s’inscrire, visitez le site web:

Engaging customer experience so that as an end result, we be CMSable. Leverage below the fold and finally gain traction. Generating bleeding edge and creating actionable insights.

Gordon Briggs

Brand Expert | Mantell Design

Generating best in class in order to improve overall outcomes. Inform outside the box thinking and finally target the low hanging fruit. Repurose big data and possibly gain traction.

Lucinda Park

Support Staff | Gerwyn Financial


Rejoignez nos groupes de pratique francophone, le lundi et le vendredi une semaine sur deux. Nous nous unissons pour pratiquer l’empathie et les autres aspects de la Communication NonViolente.

Cliquez ici pour accéder à notre page Meetup où sont répertoriés tous les événements francophones :

Chief Executive Officer | Box Em Up

Engaging customer experience so that as an end result, we be CMSable. Leverage below the fold and finally gain traction. Generating bleeding edge and creating actionable insights.

Gordon Briggs

Brand Expert | Mantell Design

Generating best in class in order to improve overall outcomes. Inform outside the box thinking and finally target the low hanging fruit. Repurose big data and possibly gain traction.

Lucinda Park

Support Staff | Gerwyn Financial

How to get involved

There are many ways to get into NVC.


Our NVC Days are one Saturday per month, 10.00 to 18.00. They cover a variety of different NVC themes aimed at developing use of NVC in daily life, with facilitators from around Europe. 


The practice groups meet regularly to study and apply together NVC in English and French.
Each week is a different subject to practice and integrate, and anyone can join in.


The association holds monthly weave meetings to discuss how to best promote NVC in Geneva, through activities and connection with other organizations.



Nonviolent Communication in Geneva

NVC Geneva empowers individuals in their personal and professional life. We believe that connection to oneself and others is key to leading a healthy, productive and fulfilled life. Beyond the personal level, connection even drives social change in business and society. Our trainings enhance knowledge, skills and attitudes that foster self-compassion and effective conflict management. They are based on Nonviolent Communication (NVC) by Dr. Rosenberg – a world famous approach to personal and societal change.

We welcome donations of any amount and everyone is welcome, regardless of their ability to make a financial contribution.

How to donate

Nous acceptons les dons de tout montant et tout le monde est le bienvenu, quelle que soit sa capacité à apporter une contribution

Comment faire un don

Contact us

We are always willing to discuss the application of NVC and its promotion through other organizations. Feel free to get in contact with us!