NVC Geneva supports connection, harmony and alternatives to violence at the personal, community and global level. We unite and inspire each other to effectively support access to NVC to the international community in and around Geneva.
We will hold a booth to popularize NVC at the Alternatiba Lman festival, which is taking place over a full day in parc des Bastions this year.

More information about Alternatiba Lman, including full programme and map: http://www.alternatibaleman.org

We hope to have your support, and meet your family, friends, colleagues who might have there an opportunity for a first contact with NVC.
We’ll try to have a continuous presence on our booth (zone “I” = ducation pour enfants et adultes), and have communicated on the following schedule for special sessions :
Introduction la CNV (30 min, English speakers welcome!) 10h, 12h, 14h, 16h et 18h
Jeux pour enfants et adultes, autour de la CNV (20 min, English speakers welcome!) 11h, 13h, 15h et 17h

Please feel free to RSVP here, and even more precisely, answer on https://doodle.com/poll/d9kcs5dseaa4pu4p so that we try to cover the full day with our presence and energy!